목록영어/일기or글 (5)
토익 14일차be committed / devoted / dedicated to +ing~에 헌신하다afforadable + 가격적절한 keep + 목적어 + 목적격보어N + ( 준동사 ) +N 과거 v + before 현재 voccupy맡다. 차지하다.unless otherwise 꿀조합nominate지명하다. name, choose, appoint, select, electclaim주장하다. insist. professenhance향상하다. 증진하다. improveinside~이내, ~안에, 안 ( 전, 형, 명, 부 )depending on ~따라depend on ~에 의지하다as if~마치 ~ 인것처럼correspondence 서신, 편지correspondent 기자awareness 의식.인식. ..
flavorful 풍미 있는bulk 대량의cost three dollarsBlurry 흐릿한I have a problem these days.I have to choose between the two.I saw something strange today.I was usually interested in Deep Learning.
i think if doesn't an office job, must not working overtime.because We studied more than they did.Office work does not usually work overtime.But we do it.We have to benefit than them.We try harder than they do.
I bought new computer parts because my computer was broken.Typically, cpu part is amd and intel.Intel is expensive now.for instance, intel i5 is 200 dollars in the United States.But korea is about 400 dollars. be about twice as large.so i bought amd.
https://edition.cnn.com/2018/10/29/tech/apple-supply-chain-china/index.html investigating 조사중investigate 수사하다, 살피다.allegations 혐의 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-0QYYp46yUHow do you usually relax? 당신은 보통 어떻게 쉬나요?What's the first thing you did this morning?what's this weired thing? 이 이상한거 뭔가요?Weird? Don't call this weird.flea market 벼룩 시장bialy 비알리( 다진 양파를 얹은 납작한 롤빵 )what's your favorite guilty ..