토익 14일차 본문
토익 14일차
be committed / devoted / dedicated to +ing ~에 헌신하다
afforadable + 가격 적절한
keep + 목적어 + 목적격보어
N + ( 준동사 ) +N
과거 v + before 현재 v
occupy 맡다. 차지하다.
unless otherwise 꿀조합
nominate 지명하다. name, choose, appoint, select, elect
claim 주장하다. insist. profess
enhance 향상하다. 증진하다. improve
inside ~이내, ~안에, 안 ( 전, 형, 명, 부 )
depending on ~따라
depend on ~에 의지하다
as if ~마치 ~ 인것처럼
correspondence 서신, 편지
correspondent 기자
awareness 의식.인식. 주로 of랑 같이 쓰임 awareness of
promote + 사람, promote to + 사람, promote to +사람 from ~으로. 승진시키다
promote + sth, promoth + as + sth 홍보하다
pollute 오염시키다
pollution 오염
specialize in ~을 전문으로 하다.
advertise + sth 광고하다
as long as ~하는 한
not only ~만 아니라
along with ~함께
otherwise 그렇지 않으면
lease 임대하다. 임차하다. rent loan, rent out,
time off 휴식
adress 말하다. 신청하다.
urgent 긴급한 pressing
appropriate 적절한
subsequent 그다음의
preserve 지키다. 보호하다.
preservation 보존
requirement 필요, 요건
requirements 자격 요건
even ~도...
Even the people 그 사람도
admit 인정하다 accept, recognize, acknowledge
take notes 기록하다. 받아 적다
earnings 소득. 수입
use up
make into ~으로 만들다
allow for 감안하다
quality-improvement 품질 개선
initiative (문제, 해결 등을 위한)계획
personality 성격. 인격 (명사)
ever 언제나, 언젠가, 도대체
such - 한정사, 대명사
against ~에 반대하여 ( 전치사 )
judge 판사, 심사 위원
competition 경쟁 대회
represent 대표하다
representative 대표
prospective 유망한
accepted 용인된
innovate 혁신
innovation 혁신
preparation 준비
in preparation for ~ 의 준비로, ~를 대비하여
responsibility 책임. 책무
compete 경쟁하다
conduct 안내하다. ~하다.
favor 호의, 친절
favorably 호의적인
reputation 명성
statement 성명 진술
courtesy 공손함. 정중함
rehearsal 리허설
as a result of ~의 결과로
in order to ~하기 위해서
considerably 상당히
assign 할당하다. 배당하다.
investigate 조사하다
ideal 이상적인, 가장 알맞은 (형)
proximity 가까움.
competence 능숙함.
achievement 성취.
exception 예외.
seldom 좀처럼 ~ 않는 (부사)
thoroughly 대단히. 완전히
roughly 대략. 거의. (부사)
unveil 발표하다.
staff have extensive knowledge of current system.
once a year, he audit the accounts of all of its factories.
once a year, he audit the account
information about the artwork in the lobby is availabe at the reception desk.
With XXX, users can easily see objects
with + 명사
The Physical Therapy Association is committed to kepping costs affordable for its certification prohrams
The Physical Therapy Associaiton is committed/ deveted / dedicated to + ing keeping costs affordable
The Physical Therapy Association is devoted to keeping costs afforadable for it s certification program
you must submit all revisions to the book to the authors by Friday.
you must submnit all revisions by Friday
Only The professionals are allowed to purchrse tickets to the Fair
Only the professionals are allowed to purchase tikests
A man's banquet, he accepted a trophy for his performance in this
the one is to enhace / to improve the releationship between salespeople and theris customers
one of the goals is to imrove the releationsip between salespeople and their customers.
Depending on your answers to the survey,
Please include the serial number in any response / correspondence with our the customer service department
the award-winning film promote awareness of
awarencess of poulltion
the company specializes in personalized promotional items to help advertise their brand
as long as the rnt increase is less than 2percent,
along with
along with the plan
along with
along with
as long as ~하는 한
as long as ₩하느 한
not only ~뿐만ㅇ 아니라
the chief of Hospital metts regularly with the staff to ensure
i meet the staf to ensure that procedures are being performed correctly
i meet the staff to ensure that procedures are being perfomed correctly
any requests of time off should be addressd to the appropriate
any requests of time off should be addressd to the appropriate department supervisor.
the appropriate department supervisor.
any requests of time off should be addressed to the appropriate department supervisor.
subsequent department supervisor
company excutives are currently reviewd the annual budget requitements submitted
Event the Ceo had to admit that Prasma Design win was partly the result of forunate timing.
fortunate timing
he took notes on everything the focus group discussed during the morning session.
he took notes on
he took notes on everything the focus group discussed during the morning session.
last year, ranked third overall in regional earnings.
A has just signed a lease agreement with the law firm whose offices are on the thired floor
environmental commission
the time line was extended to allow for input from the env
input 조언
to allow for input
to allow for input
to allow for input from the enviromental commission.
to allow for
to allow for input from the enviromental commission.
During the last ten years, AA population
During the last ten years, AA population has grown by about 27 percent.
Please congratulate
Please congratulate Alan Schmit,
Please congratulate Alan, winner of the Leardership Award in ada
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